Monday, February 2, 2009

Ski time and family bonding

Skiing used to mean the four of us would ride the lift together and then gleefully follow each other down the mountain to compare notes in the lift line about close calls, moguls and ice patches. Now, I say good-bye to the kids in the parking lot, after shelling out some cash for lunch, and Big J and I are left on our own. Yes, this is many a skier’s dream come true. And, I admit, as I watch the little kids on the mountain making pizza’s with their skis, and crying about the cold, it’s very freeing to ski in the adult-only crowd. But, I do miss the kids and I’m feeling a bit shunned by them. The reality is, I can’t keep up with them anymore.

Lil’J is off with his 8th grade posse, skiing woods trails and perfecting his jumps. C and a girlfriend have their schedules set by what time they stop by the Crepe Shed (for a Nutella crepe) and what time they get the chicken caesar salad for lunch at the mid-mountain lodge. We all have cell phones, but less and less are Big J and I feeling the need to check in. They’ll call us if they need us.

Adult ski time has suddenly thrown Big J and me into a new routine. We actually have time to talk on the lifts, we tend to admire the scenery more, and we have the option of repeating the same run over and over if we really like it. No one is bored, cold or complaining. I can’t help but get a glimpse into our retirement years when I imagine our time together to be more leisurely and less filled with the concerns of daily life.

As far as family bonding goes, the good news is that we still have the three-hour car ride home from Maine, and it does give us a chance to catch up. The kids are usually pretty eager to give a play by play of their best ski runs, and worst wipeouts. I’ve realized that I even make mental notes during the week for topics to address on our long car rides – how we all need to eat healthier, or how the homework must be done before anyone asks for a ride. And as we drive along the highway, I’m still pretty happy with skiing as a family activity. It gets us outside, gives us a common experience, and gives us time to communicate as a family. That is…until they turn on their ipods. Then, Jim and I have some alone time in the car.

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