Thursday, April 30, 2009

Meet Blackie the foster dog

It's been a while since I've written this blog because I've been very busy with my Teen Issues column for the Boston Examiner. Check it out and subscribe if you'd like to receive information, research and news about parenting teenagers.


I'm picking him up tomorrow from Great Dog Rescue of New England. This is the second doggie we've fostered, but this one is a puppy. (Oscar was about 3 years old.) I may be crazy, but my goal is to have him house broken by the time he's adopted, which I expect will be within a few weeks since puppies are adopted rather quickly.

My rationale for fostering a dog is: a) my family wants to help homeless animals in any way possible, b) we're not going anywhere this spring because the kids' sports schedules have imprisoned us in our own home town, c) the puppy will keep our dog, Indy, company, and d) I LOVE dogs and especially puppies and I'm so excited. I may even be more excited than C, who is beside herself.

Lil'J and Big J are a bit skeptical on this whole project, but I bet they'll warm up to the pup right away. I will take pictures and blog about Blackie, the foster dog (hmmm...may be a children's book title?)


Terra said...

I love the picture on your header! That is so my life! Now I am going to read a little of the actual blog!

Joyce Alla said...

Thanks, Terra. I know exactly what you mean! I've become a scanner too! Dog was adopted, life back to normal, sort of!